Some of the amazing lamp porn that will be on the Glenbrook Valley Home Tour
Another amazing Glenbrook Valley interior with original George Nelson bubble lamp. While other hoods teardown, we enhance and preserve all things cool and amazing. Come see Oct 1-2 @houstoniamag @thehoustonpulse
Home tour tickets on sale now. Six homes, including time capsule un-updated gems
Tickets on sale now for Glenbrook Valley Home Tour. Link in bio
This gorgeous and fun sofa actually has a new home in Glenbrook. But don’t worry its in another great home tour house. Come see why @houstoniamag called Glenbrook Valley area October 1-2. Tickets on sale next week
If you come on the home tour start or stop at @habaneraandthegringo and you won’t be sorry. Get a fresh fruit margarita, yummy food and chill
The famous (infamous?) Glenbrook Valley “Kit Kat Lounge” Nicknamed for the custom art being the bar, this room had been home to neighborhood parties since the early 60s. Furnished by Finger Furniture, the interior has only had flooring updated since then.