When I was little, growing up in Cary, Illinois, Wednesday night was grocery night. Mom and Grandma and I (and later my little sister) climbed into the Ford Fairlane for the trek into Crystal Lake to the Piggly Wiggly with that wonderful googie zig-zag roof. If we were good, Grandma treated us to sundaes at …
She won your hearts as the model pooch for the Houston Mod home tour last fall. Nows your chance to help Gracie in her quest for world domination. Vote for her in Modernica’s “Pets on Furniture” contest by clicking here.
With thanks to author Ivy Davila Mrs. Claus: From Dutiful Wife to Spunky Modern Sidekick Although our modern Santa Claus had a long evolution from the 3rd century bishop, Saint Nicolas, to the secular, jolly old elf of the 21st century, Mrs. Santa Claus seems to have sprung to life unexpectedly. Not based on myth or tradition, …
A friend, whom I respect a great deal, recently told me writes down five things for which she is thankful at the end of each day. Once again, she has given me something to think about, especially in this season of Thanksgiving. My parents always believed Thanksgiving was a time when, true to “over the …