This gorgeous and fun sofa actually has a new home in Glenbrook. But don’t worry its in another great home tour house. Come see why @houstoniamag called Glenbrook Valley area October 1-2. Tickets on sale next week
If you come on the home tour start or stop at @habaneraandthegringo and you won’t be sorry. Get a fresh fruit margarita, yummy food and chill
I had to work on today in and I LOVE it when I am able to because this area of was once a mecca for and you can still spot a few of the places that still stand like this Drs office. @glenbrookvalley
I had to do some work at one of my absolute favorite in the area of #htx. in every corner of that building.
I have been in looove with since I finally got over my fear of getting stuck in a as a child. Haha. Now that I work in the side of #Houston, I see a few of these buildings that are still standing there. They are so gorgeous.