bark what?

Robert, the Grand Poobah of Glenbrook Valley, wanted to share a link to a site that has a fabulous array of bark cloth. Unfortunately he is a skosh bit technologically challenged and was unable to log in and post it. So, I am here to help and blather on for a bit.

Being a fan of mid-mod stuff means you are supposed to know all the lingo that goes along with it. Me? Not so much. I like what I like and don’t worry about what its called. Blah, blah, blah. Pretty!

Do you know what a Hudee Ring is? I do!

(side note: If you Google it, spell it H-U-D-E-E. Other spellings may return some, um, colorful information)

Picture it: Wisconsin 1970 something and Dad is installing new laminate kitchen counter tops. The big ‘ol cast iron/enamel sink is held in place by a–you guessed it, Hudee Ring.

Even back then, replacement Hudee Rings were hard to find. As a result, Dad had to carefully remove and reuse the existing one. Couple that with the laminate DIY project, and colorful metaphors were placed before (and sometimes after) the words Hudee and Ring.

Did I mention that the sink weighed a ton, the ring had clips that held it in place from the bottom and there was no way to support the sink during installation?

We started with me under the sink, on my back attempting to balance it with my feet (yes, there was a time when I was skinny and short enough to fit under a sink). But not being a member of Cirque Du Soleil, I couldn’t balance it and get the clips in–and there wasn’t room for anyone else under the sink. Dad ended up snaking a rope through both drain holes and slipping it over his shoulders to balance the sink in place while I scrambled under it to install the clips.

Good thing Dad was strong and liked me enough to not drop a cast iron sink on my head {insert house on sister Wizard of Oz reference here}.

So I suspect you are asking what this has to do with bark cloth? Nothing, really. Except that as the result of a DIY project with my Dad, I knew what a Hudee Ring was and had no freakin’ clue what bark cloth was.

I guess its never too late to teach an old dog new tricks.

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