Another weekend begins

mighty mouse

Again I am up, all too early on a Saturday. Soon, work on the bamboo floors will begin, but right now I am simply enjoying the idea of Saturday. When I was a child, Saturday morning meant cartoons!  I wonder, in this age of DVR and 800 channels, if kids even think of television as being time bound.

Anyway, I know I am admitting my age, but one of my favorites was Mighty Mouse:  Mighty Mouse – Outer Space Visitor

Nothing like some good old thinly-disguised Cold War fear to start off a kid’s day.

After cartoons, all the neighborhood kids burst from their homes, leaped on their bikes, and the fun was on.  Wonder where I can find a girl’s Schwin with a basket in the front and bell on the handle bars…

One Response

  1. don says:

    I loved all things with spacemen, martians or monsters.
    Okay, I still do :)
    Funny. I never had a problem getting up on Saturday to watch cartoons. Getting up for school….not so much.

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