What'll It Be, Daddy?

raising children right

Say what you want about Don and Betty Draper’s failed marriage. At least they got one aspect of child rearing right. I wonder if she can dust too? Mad Men Illustrated Nobody’s Sweetheart

bark what?

Robert, the Grand Poobah of Glenbrook Valley, wanted to share a link to a site that has a fabulous array of bark cloth. Unfortunately he is a skosh bit technologically challenged and was unable to log in and post it. So, I am here to help and blather on for a bit. Being a fan of mid-mod stuff …

retail therapy

There are just some days when you need a shiny new bauble or trinket to make you happy. If that shiny object has a cord and lights up, the happiness quotient increases. One of the nifty things about our ‘hood is that we love shopping for vintage pieces and bargains–and we share that love. We’ve …


friday night movies

Stranded at the drive-in. Branded a fool. What will they say Monday at school? Ahh, the days of youth and cooler climates. As a kid growing up in Wisconsin, after milking cows and making cheese, our parents would occasionally treat us to a movie at the drive-in. It was fun to load up the car …

Home of the Future!

it aint easy being green

Behold, the all electric home of the future! A time when electricity was inexpensive and plentiful. Fast forward to today. While electricity is still plentiful (for now) it sure isnt cheap. In the era of smart meters and programmable thermostats, there must be more we can do to monitor and cut down our energy usage. Right? …

Central Presbyterian Church Campus

houston mod: endangered modern tour

Central Presbyterian Church on Richmond is one of the finest examples of mid-century modern church architecture in Houston.  (Wilson, Morris, Crain & Anderson, 1960-1962) Faced with declining membership and a facility too large, the congregation has moved from the property.  The site presently is being marketed for redevelopment. We have arranged a special tour of …



To early now for a fruity drink, but when I get to Hobby Airport today, and stroll along the fabulous terrazzo to Pappa’s Burgers and get a beer and burger !